April 3, 2012


Yesterday I was an emotional mess. A lot happened over the weekend and, as usual, my analytical mind took over. Eventually I overthink things which kicks in the emotions, and by the time I drove home every song had me thinking about a different chapter in my life.

Writing is good. Writing always helps. I wrote yesterday's post and it cleared my mind. There are so many thoughts to release into the Universe so I can let go of things and get back to my life with some clarity. Thankfully I can honestly say I really like my life exactly the way it is right now. 

Do I have goals and plans to make it even better? Of course! But you'll never find happiness if you can't start right where you are. One of my favorite quotes is "Everywhere you go, there you are." 

It is so important to take the time to reflect. It is the only way to make peace with the past in order to appreciate today and hope for tomorrow. 

When I think about all of the people in my life that I have loved, it teaches me about who I am and what I am still seeking. Someday it will find me. Until then, I will believe and explore...

~ here's to the future

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