December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

First, I need to thank Blogger for updating the app and bringing back my "save as draft" option. Yay! :-)

Next, I want the world to know my gratitude for those amazing moments tonight that made me feel such love in my Spirit that it brought tears to my eyes.

Just as I knew it would, being at work with my "other family" on Christmas Eve blessed me in so many ways. I work with some truly wonderful people. :-)

I am also very excited to have five days off to ring in the New Year! WooHoo! The new year is a very personally spiritual time for me. It is a rebirth of my soul, my ideas, my Art. It is my chance to start new and change anything I want to about my life, my habits, my routine.

As a child I sat alone wondering why adults made such a big deal about the night. I would cry all alone in the dark of night and feel sad that it was supposed to be some big special day that I was left out of. As an adult I celebrate my life and my choices as well as the upcoming opportunities to do great things for my personal journey. (Hey Stoney, there's that word again! LOL)

This year the word is Discover. I plan to go on adventures and Discover new truths about this time and space I am experiencing. Just thinking about some of the plans I have already made gets me excited me for the unlimited opportunities for growth and change.

Until then, I will be spending time with family and friends. I will be reminding those I love just why I love them. I will laugh and talk and hug and love right up until my New Year's Eve plans.

And then I will begin anew ~ ~

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